
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Alright...the last thing I should be doing on the day I decided to stop putting off studying is blog more than once...but a person needs an occasional break right? Let the knowledge seep in a bit? haha I'd say Eumelanin and Pheomelanin can wait a bit.

I had to post again, I read something that hit a chord with me.
I'm reading "Look Me in the Eye" by John Robinson. He has Aspergers Syndrome, but didn't find out until late in life. This meant a rough and difficult childhood trying to pretend he was like other people and wondering why he wasn't.
He gives an example in the book of trying to respond properly to a conversation with a woman he knew. He says the wrong thing and ends up offending the woman. The thing she said to him was, "One of my girlfriends is having an affair. And the guy rides a motercycle just like yours!" He had no idea how to respond to that, because she didn't say who it was, so he's wondering why she'd tell him. And her sentences weren't connected in any way he could see except for maybe because he has a motercycle he should be having an affair too...?? He ends up saying, "Which girlfriend is that?" and she is immediatly suspicious and asks him why he'd ask that. (pretty confusing)
He says after giving the example that he realized later that she'd said it for his entertainment, to get a reaction out of him. He was neither entertained or had any reaction...he was just confused.
He says farther on, "In my opinion, people should not make statements unless they are prepared to respond to questions about the words they utter. But the world doesn't always work that way." He knew by then that asking about which girlfriend it was was the wrong thing to say, but thinks it should be open season since she brought it up.

I've personally run into this a bit lately, people will say something to me, but I'm not suposed to question any of it, just listen and absorb and somehow understand. So I agree with him. If you don't want to reveal something, just don't mention it at all.


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