
Sunday, March 19, 2006


I think it's funny how Lydia would never be a hairdresser because she can't stand the thought of touching dirty hair. It's funny mostly because she is a nurse (?) and has to deal with things a lot worse than dirty hair...and she has hair herself...which I'm sure gets dirty sometimes even though whenever I see it it's clean. :)

Tonight in church Benjamin fell asleep with his head on my lap about 4 minutes into the service. So I sat for all the songs. And he drooled all over me. He's still little and cute enough that it didn't really gross me out. He missed the offering though, which was too bad because Katie, Benj and I get out our money, and then he switches with Katie, and then with me until we are "mixed up" and I put a dime in the collection plate while he puts in whatever I gave him. hehe. He thinks it's great because it was his idea. What a man.

I just said "eh" twice...I hate that.

alright, I am going to bed-night


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